How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs


You've probably heard the old saying: "A good URL is like a smile, if you don't have one, you don't have anything." It's true! A good URL will help your website get ranked higher in search engines and make people want to come back again. However, creating an SEO-friendly URL isn't as easy as just adding keywords or using an industry-specific suffix--there are some other things you should keep in mind when creating URLs for your site:

Use the perfect domain name.

The perfect domain name is one that’s relevant to your business and easy for people to remember. It should have an effective URL, as well as one that's easy to spell, type and pronounce. A great example of a good domain name is because it has many factors going for it—it's short; it's simple; and the company behind it (Google) already has a strong brand recognition with consumers in general.

Make sure no keywords are used in your URL.

Once you've written your content, it's time to think about how you want people to find your site. For example, if someone is searching for "a widget company," and they land on your site with an URL like this one: (and no keywords), then chances are that person will leave without clicking through because they haven't found what they're looking for.

To prevent this from happening, make sure all of the following are included in the URL:

  • keywords

  • title tag (the text at the beginning of each page)

  • description tag (the text at the end of each page)

Add a relevant and engaging description.

Remember, you're a writer. Your job is to craft words that are engaging and informative.

The first thing you should do when creating a page is write out a description of what it is and what your content will be about. Think about what makes this particular topic interesting to readers and how they can benefit from knowing more about it. Here are some examples of descriptions:

  • "This article explains why everyone should use LinkedIn."

  • "This article explains how to make money blogging."

Use an industry-specific website suffix for your site's name.

You can also use a suffix that is relevant to your industry. For example, if you are in the medical field and want to create a website for your practice, it would make sense for the URL of your site to be "www.yourphysician-practice" rather than "www.yourphysician-practice."

However, there are some downsides:

  • Using an industry-specific suffix may make it more difficult for search engines like Google or Bing to index and rank pages on your site because they won't know what keywords you're targeting with those names (if any). This makes it harder for them catch potential visitors who might not know what kind of doctor/nurse practitioner exists in their area—a potential loss of revenue!

  • It's hard enough coming up with good URLs without having another word thrown into the mix; so if possible try not using these terms as part of any other part of a URL except perhaps at the end where they're really needed (like after ".com").

Use long URLs and link to other pages as necessary.

Long URLs are a great way to improve your SEO. They're more visible on the search engine results pages (SERPs) and they also help users find your site by giving them a good idea of what they'll be looking at before even clicking on it.

But there are some things you should avoid when creating long URLs:

  • Use keywords in the URL instead of just text. For example, "click here" is more likely than "click here now." When using keywords, make sure those words are relevant to what people will see after clicking the link—you don't want someone coming across an article about cats instead!

  • Include images with alt tags so that search engines can understand their purpose without having to read through every word all over again when indexing them later down the line (which would take longer than usual).

Include keywords in your URL, but don't overdo it (it may look spammy).

When you're creating a URL, keep in mind that keywords should be included but not overused. The best way to avoid keyword spam is by using variations of your keyword in the URL. For example, if your website has "best-seo-services" as its main keyword and everyone searching will see that it's one of their top results when they search for "best SEO services," then it makes sense to include this phrase in all three parts of your URL: http://www.bestseoservicesincorporated?s=y

But if someone searches for "best seo services inc" and gets nothing but pages with no content other than links back to those same websites again and again (and again), then this could look like spammy behavior on Google's part (and also on Bing). You could avoid having two or more copies of the same exact thing by changing up how you talk about what each page does; instead of saying “Best SEO Services In Connecticut” try something like “The Best Connecticut Web Design Agency – We Offer Full Service Packages From Website Design And Development To Social Media Management That Will Help Boost Your Business!”

Provide useful information about your webpage on the first page, then use the rest of the screen for additional information.

Providing useful information about your webpage on the first page, then using the rest of the screen for additional information is a great way to optimize search engine rankings.

  • Headers should provide information about:

  • The page title

  • The URL (the address of your site)

  • The structure of pages can be reflected in headers as well: "Why don't you…" or "What makes..." etc., or even just using subheadings like "How does this work?"

  • For design elements such as pictures, videos and other media assets use descriptive text/tags at appropriate locations

Creating SEO-friendly URLs will help improve ranking in search engines and make people want to come back!

Creating SEO-friendly URLs is a great way to increase your website's ranking in search engines. It also helps make people want to come back and visit again!

  • Make sure your URL is easy to remember. If you can't remember what the URL looks like, it won't be as effective for users or search engines.

  • Make sure your URL is easy to type. You don't want people having trouble with typing in their address bar or using the mouse cursor while trying to navigate through the page (and then clicking on its content).

  • Make sure your URL is readable by humans and machines alike; no weird characters or spaces included! While Google does not require these requirements, they'll pick up on any inconsistencies so make sure yours are correct before going live with them - especially if they're being used correctly throughout all pages without fail: http://www2s3e4t5x6z7y8w9a0b1c2d3e4f5g6b7f8h9i0j11k12l13m14n15o16p17q18r19s20t


The most important thing to remember is that you don't need to create an entirely different URL for each page of your site. You can use one URL and add the appropriate keywords and information. This will make your URLs look more natural and readable while also helping search engines understand where they can find relevant content on your website.